DjangoUnbuffed own your puppies



  • All members: can you let us know if you have already joined the Fearless Defenders tourny just to see who has got us the points so far and if you havent entered then when do you plan on joining? it would be good if we all can push for this first tourny. I enter a few hours before the end as thats my strategy. Hope you all enter and there is no deadwood lol

    edit: i like muffins

    Hi everyone,
    I've entered already, I got a few hundred points at the start to get us in top 10 (to help advertise alliance a bit). I'm currently sitting at 304 points but will start to push properly tomorrow - perhaps up to the 50 HP reward at 900 points if I can get there. Hopefully we can finish top 100 to get the blue BP reward, but top 50 would be even better icon_e_smile.gif

    It's a bit strange the way you can't see how many points people have earned towards the total (and can't discuss in-game), but it seems to be a case of the more players the merrier at the moment when it comes to placing high.

    HailMary & others: I'm on the Steam version, so won't be able to take part in any Facebook reward sharing unfortunately icon_e_sad.gif
  • Well, woke up this morning to confirmation I stayed in top 3333 in Hulk, so got my two lazyThors - yay! (I really wish MPQ would give you your final placement #. Would be good to know if I stayed circa #2200, or if there was a big push in the last hour.)

    Anyway, I had 4 Heroics saved from the last day, so I opened them this morning:

    Daken Black
    Ares Green
    Wolvie Yellow


    4* Wolvie Green! icon_eek.gif

    Happy days, and quite ironic I thought given the chat about finishing 1st or not in PvP!
  • Well I got my 3 thor covers atleast from the hulk tournament.

    Am currently sitting on about 520 point in Fearless Defenders
  • I see we are slipping down the ranks in FD lol i may need to join sooner than usual. i figured that we all should have no problem getting 500 points each and thats just a low figure. That would get us 7000 points.

    Because we cant see how many points each of us are getting yet, a screenshot may be in order in case there are any folks along for the ride just to get free prizes, im looking at you Cleo lol

    Im wondering if the top teams are buying shields every few hours to maintain position or is it just cause most of our team will be making a late push?
  • bro I think it is still quite early should look at e pts when 1 day left. from several of team members post , some of us will only start pushing hard when 1 day is left icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    UNITY, if you're swinging by: yes, the invitation is real. If it was you who made an in-game request before, we did not approve it because we could not confirm your identity.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    edited March 2014
    bughunt: Thanks for the point update! Sucks that Steam players can't use FB sharing.

    TU1: end-of-event point snapshots would be good for some rudimentary stat tracking.

    So, it looks like me and noob are joining in the next 12 hours, while TU1 and Veikka are joining on the last day. I know noob is consistently ambitious, so he's likely shooting for Player Top 5. I am, too, so that should put our final point totals above 650 at least.

    Re: bracket timing: I'm starting at around 27 hours from the end. TU1 is starting around 6 hours from the end? It'd be nice if we didn't have to race each other.
  • HailMary wrote:
    UNITY, if you're swinging by: yes, the invitation is real. If it was you who made an in-game request before, we did not approve it because we could not confirm your identity.

    Agreed, we are waiting ms. V icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary wrote:
    bughunt: Thanks for the point update! Sucks that Steam players can't use FB sharing.

    TU1: end-of-event point snapshots would be good for some rudimentary stat tracking.

    So, it looks like me and noob are joining in the next 12 hours, while TU1 and Veikka are joining on the last day. I know noob is consistently ambitious, so he's probably shooting for Player Top 5. I am, too, so that should put our final point totals above 650 at least.

    Re: bracket timing: I'm starting at around 27 hours from the end. TU1 is starting around 6 hours from the end? It'd be nice if we didn't have to race each other.

    I will be joining 10 hours before the end. I started putting up 8 hour shields as it works better for me. The last 3 tourny's i got over 700-800 points this way icon_e_smile.gif
  • I'm guessing alliance score goes up and down a lot based on current personal score rather than overall number of points gained. I'll be regularly playing but I wont be even considering a shield at this stage so my scores likely to change a lot between now and the end.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    The new PvE looks interesting, but also bothersome.

    The allowed-char limit is annoying for mid-to-high-level players. Th'oreal is the only one powered up, and half the list is 1*/Cap/mHawk.

    I guess I'm bustin' out Th'oreal + some combo of (AWolv/MStorm/MBW).

    I was thinking of starting it at the end of FD, but Polarity noted that casuals will likely start it right at the beginning, and it'll mostly be forumites who start it late. Thoughts?
  • My thoughts are i cant do this event lol so i am using it as a retreat event to lower my mmr for the next pve icon_e_smile.gif i have also retreated from pvp like 60 times so i should be ok for FD.

    I would like to get more Thor covers but i would rather max out Punisher as he will be better in the long run for me
  • Okay guys, quick update. I am at first around 700 points in my fearless defenders bracket. I am thinking that so many people are excited about the alliance rewards that this could be the first tourney in a long time where the 1100 point progression reward and the psylocke cover could be in reach because people are pushing. I am a pretty fair PVP player.

    On the other hand, man I just suck at PVE. I wouldn't mind a set of Lazy Thors, but I can't do anything in the Hard Mode PVE. All my best characters are locked. I am currently using a cover-capped 64 Psylocke, 50 Modern Storm, and 40 Captain America (which I dumped a bunch of iso to get him up from 30). icon_e_confused.gif I cannot stand up to the first Classic Magneto fight. My Wolverine is still level 6, I never used him when I was in 2* land. Luckily, there are no alliance rewards for this PVE event. When those start coming, you guys may have to carry me. I'll try to get us 1000 in the PVP, though, if people keep pushing and fights are worth any points.

    I wish we could see each others standings, too, if only to be sure that some of these lousy F2P guys like Vanilla9 carry their weight. If not, that guy gets kicked ASAP.

    That was a joke.
  • Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I like the signature pics. Cool. The star may be off-limits, but who gets to be Dr. King Shultz? And I guess whatever alliance finishes way ahead of us will definitely be Calvin Candie, right?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I have a maxed AWolv, a three-cover Big Thor, and a maxed MBW. I also have rostered full covers of Cap and MStorm that I can Iso-pump if I really need to. So, if there's an Alliance-enabled clone of this PvE later on, I can help carry the team.

    As for PvP, it's an interesting branding tactic, really: I think a lot of people wouldn't be pushing high so early were it not for Alliance rankings driving competent applicants. I think the highest I've ever hit in PvP is the mid-700s, so I'll see what I can do.
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I like the signature pics. Cool. The star may be off-limits, but who gets to be Dr. King Shultz? And I guess whatever alliance finishes way ahead of us will definitely be Calvin Candie, right?
    Well, the movie posters typically list actors' names, not character names. Thus, I think you, being Dear Leader, should be Quentin, i.e. "Written and Directed by..."

    I call either top or the "And..." bottom. icon_razz.gif

    P.S. - Feel free to grab the imgur link for my sig pic if any of you would like. I tried to put a little character-buff jewel above the Dr's head, but gave up after about 10 minutes.
  • Untitled_000019_2.jpg

    I just made a new one too icon_e_smile.gif i prefer this one than my last, so whoever wants it just ask
  • Would this alliance be open to adding another member?

    My stats:

    Punisher 109
    GSBW 105
    OBW 85
    Mags Marvel Now 85
    Storm Classic 85
    Thor MN 85
    Ares 74
    Moonstone 71
    Mags C 66
    Hulk 64
    Wolverine Astonishing 57
    Iron Man 40 57
    Rags 56
    Loki 54
    Storm Modern 50
    Iron Man 35 46
    Wolvie Patch 46
    Doctor Doom 41
    Black Widow Modern 40
    Juggernaut 37
    Venom 30
    Daken 29
    Daredevil 28 (although I have a bunch of covers... don't know if I actually like him and want to invest yet)
    Cap 25
    Yelena 23
    Hawkeye Modern 20
    Spidey 18 (sigh)
    Black Panther 15
    Psylocke 15
    Hood 15 (although I'm about to get another cover in the daily reward!)
    Thor Mod 15
    Bullseye 6

    I play for reals everyday. Except for the pay-events, I participate in everything. Even if the rewards look ****/uninteresting, events are good for the iso.
  • HM: what did you use to edit your picture? Cause i had a pic just like it but i didn't know how to remove the "unchained" part to replace it with "unbuffed" hence why i had to make my own using Vegas Pro.
  • Question for the commanders: If we like the look of people looking to join like the guy above lol how about we let them buy their way in with an extra slot? Its a win win situation, they get a strong aliance and we get a new member to help?
  • Oh holy TinyKitty!

    Just randomly checked the alliance standings. There was a new on in there that I didn't recognize.


    Just take a look at the membership.

    I think no one will ever get first place in one of these events again.