Option to remove covers (better respec)

Minor issue. I want to be able to reduce the covers I put on some of the characters. I'm willing to lose the Iso-8 I spent after covering and leveling but it would be nice if I got something back too.

Example: I have a 5/5 Modern Black Widow (1* variant). I want to be able to reduce her purple covers and lose levels in the progress.


  • Unknown
    I have thought about this too. It would be nice to be able to downgrade your covers. Some Characters just play better when they are not maxed out.
  • Unknown
    I assume this means, the heroes that have powers at level 1 for example, costing 6ap, but once maxed, the heroes power becomes 10 or 12 ap instead... I'm all up for downgrades, but that causes more problems, once downgraded, your heroes level would have to be too, thus, the hero not being as strong... Not having as much HP, etc. etc. It won't and can't happen, if you need the hero to be downgraded, don't upgrade in the first place or sell the cover and start a fresh... I doubt anything else will be done.
  • Unknown
    Of course it means their levels have to be downgraded. Why are you against it? If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Noone will force you to downgrade your covers.
  • Unknown
    Adamantium wrote:
    I assume this means, the heroes that have powers at level 1 for example, costing 6ap, but once maxed, the heroes power becomes 10 or 12 ap instead... I'm all up for downgrades, but that causes more problems, once downgraded, your heroes level would have to be too, thus, the hero not being as strong... Not having as much HP, etc. etc. It won't and can't happen, if you need the hero to be downgraded, don't upgrade in the first place or sell the cover and start a fresh... I doubt anything else will be done.

    I didn't say I was against it... I just mentioned the problems caused by doing it... And that they probably won't input such a thing... In your mind, how would one downgrade? HP, ISO, Free, would you "re-own" the cover... Do you reclaim all ISO spent or is all that gone like the wind... Too many variables come in to account which is why it probably won't happen... Not to mention the bare amount of complaints D3 would receive, "help I accidentally downgraded my [insert hero name here] I wasn't meant to but I did somehow" (meanwhile, in their head: teehee, only joking, I just wanted to downgrade 2 levels, beat this guy and complain so I get my over powered hero back).

    I still think once it's upgraded, it's set in stone... The upgrade is just teaching the hero a new skill set, this isn't Pokémon, they shouldn't just forget an ability, that's like Wolverine forgetting he can heal himself... Or a tree forgetting to grow apples... I do however, stand by my:
    Adamantium wrote:
    if you need the hero to be downgraded, don't upgrade in the first place or sell the cover and start a fresh...

    If they do make this happen, I won't object.
  • Unknown
    I would gladly throw away the levels and covers with zero payback because otherwise I would have to sell my hero for a fraction of the amount of Iso-8 I spent to level it and try to get/buy all those covers and level it with Iso-8 once again. If it is implemented, they could ask for confirmation like they do with everything and not do a return for any of the so-called accidents. If you clicked twice to downgrade, then that is not an accident.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Adamantium wrote:
    Adamantium wrote:

    I still think once it's upgraded, it's set in stone... The upgrade is just teaching the hero a new skill set, this isn't Pokémon, they shouldn't just forget an ability, that's like Wolverine forgetting he can heal himself... Or a tree forgetting to grow apples... I do however, stand by my:
    Adamantium wrote:
    if you need the hero to be downgraded, don't upgrade in the first place or sell the cover and start a fresh...

    If they do make this happen, I won't object.

    I assume you are against re specifying characters.? It costs a lot of iso to level characters, I would much rather just allows the levels to be lost. Interesting you mention pokemon though. In order to learn new moves older moves must be forgotten, in the Marvel Puzzle Quest universe characters do not learn new moves as they increase in levels. I have cover maxed characters that have never had a single bit of iso given to them.
  • Unknown
    Linkster79 wrote:
    I assume you are against re specifying characters.? It costs a lot of iso to level characters, I would much rather just allows the levels to be lost. Interesting you mention pokemon though. In order to learn new moves older moves must be forgotten, in the Marvel Puzzle Quest universe characters do not learn new moves as they increase in levels. I have cover maxed characters that have never had a single bit of iso given to them.

    Yeah, that's why I compared to Pokémon in that sense... But as you say, they don't claim any more moves by leveling up, the move can be upgraded... And again, as you said, it costs a lot of ISO to level the guys up.

    If this was added, I'd prefer it to have some sort of re-percussion like 200HP a downgrade or something insanely stupid that you'd only do this if at all necessary... If you can do it willy-nilly, I'm pretty sure it would be exploited, if there was a price to pay, it would reduce the amount of complaints, "accidentals", downgrading/upgrading after the fight and things like this... I know there are guys here who can just as easily come 1st in a comp and get Wolverine X maxed within a month or 2 and these are the guys mainly looking to downgrade because they were obviously looking for quick power with their wins by upgrading Magneto Blue power to cost so much AP when he's just as strong, probably better at level 2 upgrade.

    I'm not saying I am against it, there are too many problems with this as a feature that I don't like, when there are so many other things that need a focus on, this can either wait or be rejected... I'd be 100% behind this idea if PvP wasn't such a PITA as it is now... But as it stands, I'm more 30/70, for it not to be added.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    I think the big problem here is that the notion of certain characters being more effective when not at their max covers or level is an unintended effect - a symptom of poor game balance. And if I were the dev team, I'd rather deal with this problem by funbalancing the characters, rather than embracing the community's workarounds.
  • Unknown
    The only character that this really applies to right now is Modern Widow. I cannot think of another 2 ability character where you do not want both abilities maxed out. However, given how easy you get her covers, I don't think it is 100% necessary. It is a nice thought though.
  • Unknown
    The only character that this really applies to right now is Modern Widow. I cannot think of another 2 ability character where you do not want both abilities maxed out. However, given how easy you get her covers, I don't think it is 100% necessary. It is a nice thought though.
    I read before that some people regret putting on the 3rd yellow cover to IM40. Other characters from the top of my head that might need this are Venom and OBW. As I said in the OP, it is a minor issue for me but it would be nice to have.